FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: George Henne NS BASIC Corporation 416 264-5999 NS BASIC FOR THE NEWTON IS ANNOUNCED TORONTO, JULY 1, 1994 NS BASIC, an implementation of the well-known BASIC programming language, is now available for the Newton. The product is aimed at the business, educational and scientific marketplaces. Programs can be written directly on the Newton: no host system is required. The environment is completely interactive. A full complement of functions and data types is provided. Handwritten input, windowing and buttons are supported. Applications can create their own files or access built-in system information, such as Addresses, Notes and Calendar entries. "BASIC has always been a simple language for programming applications quickly", said George Henne, President of NS BASIC Corporation, "It's going to be very helpful to people who want to make their Newtons more useful." The product includes a 150 page user manual which explains each of the commands, statements and functions. Examples are provided throughout. Sample code which can be downloaded is also provided. NS BASIC will appeal to users who have some exposure to the BASIC programming language or those who wish to learn it. The implementation is similar to many of the currently available versions of BASIC that run on other computer systems. NS BASIC is available directly for $99.00 from NS BASIC Corporation (416 265-5999) or through its distributors. Visa and Mastercard are accepted. NS BASIC Corporation can also be reached at 77 Hill Crescent, Toronto, Canada M1M 1J3, fax (416) 264-5888, or through the internet at NS BASIC FAQ: Jul 1, 1994 NS BASIC Corporation Phone: 416 264-5999 Fax: 416 264-5888 Internet: CompuServe: 74431,412 What is Basic? Basic is probably the world's most widely used computer programming langauge. Versions of it exist for virtually every make and model of computer. Simple programming constructs such as FOR...NEXT and GOSUB provide an easy, quickly-learned syntax. Basic is usually implemented an interactive language, allowing programmers to test their work as they go, and to easily modify and debug their code. It has resisted all attempts at standardization: there are numerous dialects in existence. It is widely used for business, educational and scientific applications. What kind of Basic is this? NS BASIC is implemented as a fully interactive implementation of Basic. As well as providing the full instruction set, it has extensions to take advantage of the Newton environment. If you don't find the specific version of a function or statement you may have used in another Basic, there is almost certainly an equivalent in NS BASIC. What do I need to program in NS BASIC? NSB can be programmed directly on the Newton without requiring a host system. Popup menus provide quick access to many commands and statements; other code can be input using the on screen keyboard or via handwritten input. Programs can also be downloaded via a serial port, or edited from a PC or Mac using a terminal emulator tied in through the serial port. What data types are supported? Integers, reals, floating point, strings, arrays and frames. A frame is a list of field names, each with a value that can be any of the data types (including another frame). Can I create files? Yes. For example, the statement CREATE CH,"MYFILE",NAME will create a file named MYFILE, indexed by NAME and open on channel CH. Can I accept handwritten input? Yes. The statement HWINPUT X will put up an edit box. The text the user enters will be returned in X. Options on this statement include putting up a prompt and a popup list of potential input values. Is it a substitute for NTK? No. The NTK (Newton Tool Kit) is still the development environment of choice for serious application development. The licence fee is for NTK is $895 and it requires a powerful Macintosh to run. An experienced and skilled programmer will also need a few months to become fully productive with NTK. NS BASIC is well suited for the casual programmer who needs to develop less complex applications. How much memory does it use? NS BASIC itself requires 120K. A memory card is recommended for uses with the original Newton Message pad, the upgraded Message Pad or the Message Pad 100. Programs do not take up any additional internal memory while running, other than space used for user variables. The code itself remains resident on the card (except for the current statement) and does not impact internal memory. Programs can therefore be of almost any size, subject to space available on the card. The CHAIN statement can be used to segment programs. Can I access system information? Yes. For example, the following statement outputs the user's name from the internal settings. PRINT getglobals() Furthermore, it is possible to access the system information, such as the Notepad. Here's a short program that creates a note: 0010 rem write to notepad 0020 open ch,"notes",timestamp 0030 LET n={data:[{}]} 0040 LET n.viewstationery='paperroll 0050 LET n.height=100 0070 LET[0].viewstationery='para 0080 LET[0].viewbounds={left:0, right:200, top:0, bottom:100} 0090 LET[0].text="This note was created by NS BASIC" 0095 LET[0].viewfont=getglobals().userconfiguration.userfont 0100 LET n.timestamp=time() 0110 put ch,n Can I program windows and buttons? Yes. Windows are passive boxes that hold text. You can define the bounds, the boundary, the pattern for the boundary, the fill pattern and the text font, style and size. Multiple windows can be displayed simultaneously. Buttons are implemented as windows that execute a GOTO LineNumber when they are tapped. With this, event driven programs can be created. Can I access other applications? Yes. It is even possible to pass information to some other applications as well. For example, to pass an array of numbers to Pelican Software's QChart to product a graph, use the following code: 0010 LET a=[1,3,6,2,4] 0020 LET getroot().|qf_qchart:donv|.ddxfrom='|basic:nsbasic| 0030 LET x:=getroot().|qf_qchart:donv|:ddxscript(1,5,a,nil) The Qchart application will automatically open and produce the graph. Does it come with a manual? Yes. An approximately 150 page manual, (spiral bound so it lies flat) provides a complete description of the various commands, statements and functions, together with examples for each one. The manual is about the same size as the Newton, so it's easy to carry along with you. Can I distribute applications I write to other users? Yes, providing they have NS BASIC on their Newtons. Programs can be easily uploaded and downloaded via a serial port. Can I program it using a regular keyboard? Yes, either from a Macintosh or DOS or Windows PC. All character input and output is redirected through your host PC, so it's easy to work directly using your PC's keyboard and screen. How fast is it? NS BASIC is an interpretive language. However, since interpretation is done as statements are entered, not at run time, performance is optimized. Statements take varying amounts of time to execute: a simple FOR/NEXT loop executes at the rate of approximately 26 statements per second on an MP/100. Advantages of interpreters include the ability to examine and change code in the middle of execution and rapid development. I've developed an application in NS BASIC. Can I distribute it? At the moment, the full NS BASIC application is required to run a program: each Newton device that will run your program will need its own NS BASIC licence. We plan to release a royalty free run time for free distribution, however there are still technical issues to be resolved. What about support? Send question/problems to our Support Line by one of the following: fax: (416) 264-5888 Internet: CompuServe: 74431,412 Will there be future releases? Yes. We intend to continually enhance NS BASIC. Send your suggestions to the Support Line: we'd love to hear from you about them. This sounds great! Where can I buy it, and for how much? Call our order line: (416) 264-5999 (24 hours). The price is $99.00 plus shipping, payable by Visa or Mastercard. We are also in the process of setting up distributors. Information on this FAQ is subject to change. Contact NS BASIC for latest information. Trademarks used in this FAQ are the property of their respective owners.